Saturday, November 15, 2008

6 months old!!!

It was 6 months ago yesterday that John was born. He came into our lives earlier than expected and we are so fortunate that he is here with us and is doing just fine. We call him our little miracle baby because that's what he is to us. I'll never forget the night he was born: it was quite traumatic as I came way too close to losing both Barb and John. I am thankful everyday that they are here with me.

John is quite fond of his sister Laurel. She talks to him all the time and is so cute with him. Of course he loves his older siblings too, Zach and Jess. They are a huge help with him and keep Barb and me from going off of the deep end sometimes. John could not be luckier to have such good siblings. We count our blessings for having them each and every day as well. Quite a family we have here if I do say so myself.


Dave said...

Happy 6 Month Birtday little man!!! I'm so glad he's doing ok.

Jim Schmaltz said...

Thanks Dave! You were there for me that night. I'll never forget that.

Dave said...

Dude, that's what friends do. I can never repay you for what you did for me. Friends just owe each other haha.