Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Impressions - Borderlands

After three weeks and 40 odd hours of Fallout 3, it was time for a little variety. As great is Fallout 3 is, and much as I've enjoyed it, the gameplay does get somewhat repetitive over the long haul. I'll definitely carry on, but I've been itching to take a sneak peek at some of the Christmas stash, and Borderlands topped the list.

From the moment the game boots up it's evident that Borderlands boasts top notch production values. Everything from the animation style to character design to music is brilliantly conceived and seamlessly integrated. If the objective was to create the illusion of stepping into the middle of a graphic novel, then mission accomplished. Borderlands simply oozes cool from every pore.

It also becomes abundantly clear from the outset that this will be no walk in the park. You are thrust into the action almost immediately, and must learn quickly how to survive, or die. Enemies are not only plentiful, they're fast, elusive and aggressive. Quite a contrast to the more measured pace of Fallout 3, and one that's required a rapid adjustment on my part.

Gameplay mechanics are great, and once you have the control sensitivity dialed in to your liking, you're well on the way to eradicating scores of baddies. The weapons, ammo, and health systems are well devised. What you're unable to loot can be purchased from vending machines with money you've looted. I'd prefer a little more control over managing health versus repeated death, but the ability to re-gen, at a price, is an admittedly clever twist. It would be nice if the corpses of your victims didn't disappear moments after you've killed them, but I guess you can't have everything.

You play as one of four characters, each possessing a different special skill and attributes. It's not hard to imagine how different the game would play out using another character, and that would add a ton of replayability for those inclined to play through multiple times. Add in split screen, dual console, and online multiplayer, and there's a whole lot of game here.

All things considered, Borderlands is a blast to play and about as addictive as they come. It kept me up way past my bedtime last night, and I can't wait to get back to it. Time to release the Bloodwing!


Jim Schmaltz said...

Ah, Borderlands! I see you went with the Hunter character. Excellent choice! Build up that Bloodwing and he will become a devastating weapon. Here's a few more tips:

-Sniper rifles are your friends.

-Specialized ammo (incendiary, acid, etc,) can deal out massive damage.

-Constantly be on the lookout for weapons and compare whatever new ones you find to the ones you are currently using. Look at accuracy, fire rate and ammo capacity along with the type of damage it deals.

-Always be on the lookout for better shields.

-Find and repair as many Claptraps as you can - each one gives you more space in your inventory.

-Search the very corners of each map - weapons caches can turn up in the least likely places.

Have fun buddy!

Pete Anderson said...

Thanks Jim. I've already sussed out most of that, but didn't know Claptraps could be repaired. I also figured out how to manage health, which was a big help.

What a hoot this game is!

Jim Schmaltz said...

It is as addictive as any game I have ever played. I recently downloaded the 2nd DLC and will be writing thoughts on that in a bit. It's for the very hardcore only though.

Don't forget, headshots are your friends!

You will open up fast-travel options in a little while. That will help you get around faster.

I am on my 2nd playthrough and probably 70% done with that (using my original character, a Hunter). He is one badass dude. I anticipate making it to a 3rd playthrough, where they say the really awesome weapons are found. That will probably be way off in the future though.