Monday, February 8, 2010

Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno reviews coming in

Bioshock 2 reviews have been making their way online for the last couple of days.  I have already read reviews from Official Xbox Magazine (9.5 out of 10) and Playstation Magazine (5 out of 5 stars).  The online reviews have had nearly universal high scores as well.  This is very reassuring as I myself was a bit skeptical that 2K Games could pull off a successful sequel.  It appears as though they have done so, even if the scores aren't quite what they were for the splendid original game.  IGN gave the game a 9.1 and you can read the review here.  They also have a video review, but I have been avoiding such reviews in order to stay away from spoilers.  Weather permitting, Bioshock 2 is due to be delivered to my doorstep sometime tomorrow.  I'll have initial impressions once I can spend some time with it.

Another game I have been looking forward to is Dante's Inferno.  While some reviews have said that it is an enjoyable God Of War clone, others have not been so kind.  GameSpot really blasted it, causing me to seriously reconsider picking it up.  A couple of gamers I know are currently playing it so I am going to wait for their thoughts as well.  At this point, I can't see Dante's Inferno being any more than a rental.


Pete Anderson said...

Can't wait to hear your impressions of Bioshock 2. I'm anxious to get back to the original, hopefully before too long.

I've been curious to know in what order you would rank Bioshock, Fallout 3 and Borderlands, given that they were all GOTY winners

Jim Schmaltz said...

Wow, ranking those 3 games would be tough. a while back I would have definitely said:
1. Bioshock
2. Fallout 3
3. Borderlands

Now I would probably either have Bioshock and Fallout 3 tied for 1st or perhaps Fallout 3 barely ahead simply because of the depth and game length. Borderlands, while terrific fun, is a notch below the other two, IMO.

Dave said...

I'm planning on renting both and await your impressions as well.