Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I've got a bad feeling...

It seems that Sarah Palin is now a full-fledged rock star and that Palin-mania is for real. The country is intrigued by her as the numerous magazine covers can attest. Her selection has rallied the GOP fully behind McCain now. I can see this continuing on through the election and I fear that any actual dirt the Dems dig up will not stick and will be seen as "dirty tricks" that will only serve to rally the Palin-maniacs even more. This could be very bad news for the Dems. It may take a major skeleton in her closet to derail McCain-Palin on their way to the White House. Even that may not be enough. With Rush Limbaugh and his Dittoheads (Dittiots?) spreading lies about Obama's tax plan, the Republican machine is rolling again, looking like the steamroller it has been since the early 90's. Couple that with more voting machine shenanigans sure to come in Ohio, and this is looking grim.


1 comment:

Dave said...

Relax Jim. God will make sure that our "Lord and Saviour" is elected. It's destiny :) Kidding of course