Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finished Fallout 3

After many, many enjoyable hours, I finished up my Game Of The Year selection, Fallout 3. What a journey it was. There were still a few more things I could have done, but none of them were important; basically I just could have explored the 3 or 4 remaining areas I had yet to visit. But honestly, after playing for so long I was ready to move on. The ending was a bit of a letdown, but that's becoming the norm nowadays.

After Fable 2, Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3, I am a bit tired of killing things. So tonight I decided to play some more Little Big Planet for a while. The game is very impressive and can be summed up in one simple word: charming. I have a little problem with the controls, but nothing too bad. It's nice to take a break from intense gaming and play something casual. And it's nice to get my PS3 going again; it's been awhile.

Left 4 Dead will be getting some more playing time soon, but not until I play some more LBP first.

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