Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sack Girl

Laurel is addicted to Little Big Planet and it's main character, Sack Boy. She is quite enamored with the whole create-a-sack boy thing. She loves dressing him/her up in various ways and seeing how they look when they are used in the game. She likes to play as well, but since she is not quite ready for all of the controls, she has me get her through the hard parts.

Every day she asks me if we can play "Sack Boy." I am trying to limit it to once every 3 days or so. I have tried finding a plush toy Sack Boy online, but it seems they are not available. Anyway, it's been a neat bonding experience for Laurel and me, as if we needed any more bonding in the 1st place. We are about as close as a little girl and a daddy can get and I am so grateful that she is part of my life. I love you, Laurel!

I imagine I'll have lots of "bonding time" with John too as he gets older. With my other son Zach and myself, it will be a miracle if John is not a video game junkie as well. I am sure Barb is delighted to know that!

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