Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saying goodbye to my cousin

Yesterday was the service for my cousin Mark. It was a chance for the family to get together and mourn our great loss. Respects were paid and many tears were shed. Afterward, some the family went out to lunch where we were able to take some time to celebrate Mark's life and raise a glass to him. It was all incredibly touching and cathartic. The final chapter on Mark may not be written yet, but we were able to get some semblance of closure yesterday.

My cousin Kathy, Mark's sister, read my blog about losing Mark and made me a copy of the exact same picture of Mark playing baseball that I had referred to in the blog. Kathy is so amazing and strong. She and her husband (also named Mark) are a remarkable couple and I really admire them. I wish them all the best this world has to offer.

Anyway, here is the picture of Mark's swing. I am guessing that he was between 8-10 years old when this was taken. Look at that swing; I told you it was beautiful.

We love you and miss you, Mark.

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