Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Season 2 of The Wire

I finished season 2 of the The Wire last night. Barb watched the last 3 episodes with me. She came in completely cold and I explained things as the story moved along. She seemed to like it.

Season 2 had a bigger scope than the 1st season. It still deals with the Barksdale drug gang but the main focus is on the dockworkers' union and the smugglers with whom they get mixed up. I am a union guy and it was nice to see both the good and bad sides of unions portrayed in a fairly accurate manner. As with the first season, that acting was stellar all the way around. I could point out all kinds of great characters and performances but for time's sake I'll mention Chris Bauer's work as union leader Frank Sobotka. At times subtle, at other times raging, Bauer's Sobotka is a man that is trying to do good things through corrupt means. It's a complicated character and Bauer absolutely nails it. He should have won an Emmy award for his work here.

I would say that overall I probably enjoyed season 1 a little more than season 2, merely because it was more focused (the scope of the story was smaller) and we were introduced to the characters. But make no mistake, season 2 was terrific as well. I am gonna start season 3 tonight (Barb swears I am obsessed, but she's gonna watch with me from the get-go this time) so I'll have more impressions soon.

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