Thursday, May 14, 2009

John's 1st birthday!

It was one year ago today that our beautiful boy John was born. I'll never forget the experience. From the trip to the emergency room, to the very real possibility of losing both John and my wife Barb because of the hemorrhaging that started just past midnight, to the birth of John at 12:52 A.M., to finding out Barb was okay shortly thereafter. I'll always remember my buddy Dave being there for me via phone at the worst hours as things went down.

Then John was here, Barb was okay and both of our parents were arrived and things were better. John was almost 8 weeks early and he was so tiny and fragile. He had to fight just to breathe and I'll never forget how proud Barb and I were of him. Nor will I forget how hard it was to leave him at the hospital.

It has been a miraculous year. John is now big and strong. He crawls and climbs all over the place, eats like a champ and laughs all the time. Just this past Tuesday he made his first trip to the zoo.

Happy birthday John. We love you so, so much!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Happy Birthday little man. He sure is a handsome little fella (gets it from Barb I'm sure :) ) All jokes aside, I'm glad he's doing so well.