Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sacred 2 impressions

I have spent about 5 hours with Sacred 2 and so far I have been pretty impressed with what I have seen. It is a Diablo-style action/RPG , which basically means it is a dungeon crawler with lots of hacking, slashing and looting. There has been a ton of unique weapons, armor and items that I have come across so far and I have barely made a scratch in the game so far. The game world is absolutely huge; so far I have only explored one small corner. There is a main quest but I have spent all of my playing time doing side quests, helping out the citizens who need an extra hand. It has been a lot of fun.

I have seen some professional reviews complain about frequent frame rate drops and to be honest I have not seen much of that at all yet. Maybe a slight hiccup here or there, but nothing to complain about. There is an occasional screen tear, but again, it does nothing to take away from the game experience at all, IMO.

The only problem I am having so far is that there is a lot in the game I simply don't understand yet. A lot of things are unexplained in the manual, or at least not explained clearly enough for me. There are tutorials in the game, but they have not covered everything I have come across. I have yet to find an FAQ for the game, even though this is a port of an older PC game. No strategy guide is available, either. I probably just need to spend more time playing, but as most of you know my playing time is limited. Still, I look forward to diving back in and exploring what has been, so far, an addictive and compelling world.

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