Monday, May 11, 2009

The Wire - season 4

Wrapped this up a couple of days ago. Seriously, I am running out of superlatives to use for this show. Season 4 was excellent, up to the same incredible standards set in the first 3 seasons. The writers must have known that there would be a season 5 because for the first time a season ended with things literally up in the air. My wife and I have started the 5th and final season and are 2 shows in. I am already saddened because there are only 10 shows in season 5, and once I finish those, there will be no more of The Wire for me to watch. It's gonna be hard leaving those characters and the streets of Baltimore.


Dave said...

I may need to get these seasons myself. I stopped watching after season 2 I think (due to the Sopranos ending). I just couldn't see paying for HBO each month for one show.

Jim Schmaltz said...

I got a heck of a deal on from one of their selected sellers. Ordinarily it lists for $180 for the entire set and I got it for $120 brand new. Best money I ever spent on DVDs, I can tell you that much for sure.