Thursday, February 28, 2008

So you wanna be a blogger...

Greetings! Quint75 here...
Well, I enjoy writing and am pretty opinionated, so with the help of my buddy Dave360, I have decided to give blogging a shot. I'm not sure how regular this will be or how much I'll have to say (wow, THAT makes you wanna check back frequently, huh?), but hopefully someone out there will find some things I say interesting or at least so dumb that they won't be able to let it pass without offering their own comments. I plan on writing about things I know, or at least I think I know. So common topics will be sports, movies, music, films and video games, mostly sports video games. Of course I'll also be offering stories about my life as a husband and father, though I'll try not to bore everyone to death with mundane details.


Dave said...

Great first post man!!! Welcome to blogging!!! You've got the top link on my blog

Anonymous said...

ahh - another blogger!

good to see it..

ps- the character Quint was the best!

steve (nyisles16)

Jim Schmaltz said...

Thanks guys. I appreciate it. You're right, Steve. Quint kicked some major ass!