Tuesday, November 3, 2009

News & Notes

-Barb has a killer sore throat. While we're glad she was feeling okay during hell week, this one is pretty nasty and we just want it to go away. There is so much stuff going around these days. It seems like at least one person in the family is always sick. I wish I could do more to help her but it's pretty much got to run it's course.

-Barb starts her series of nights tomorrow evening. Being sick isn't going to help that. Luckily my schedule works out for the next few weeks where it won't be a problem to be home with the kids at night. We caught a break there, though it would have been a lot easier had Barb been assigned days. It's kind of aggravating because she is one of the few people in her class that is married and has kids and yet she was assigned nights. You'd think they would try to make it easy on someone with a family to think about. But you'd be wrong!

-I finished Borderlands a couple of nights ago and I immediately started a 2nd playthrough with my character. The game is that good and that addictive. It is definitely gonna be in the running for my Game Of The Year award.

-Another huge game comes out tomorrow, Dragon Age: Origins. It is a massive RPG and the first of what is planned to be a trilogy. It will take a looong time to play to completion. That should keep me busy for a long while, which is a good thing. I still have yet to open FIFA 10 and I still have IL-2 Sturmovik to wrap up. I think I am gonna be trading some games in soon. They are really starting to accumulate and I like to get them traded in while they still have some decent value.

That's all for now. Work in the morning. School in the morning for Barb, then a quick nap and then work overnight for her. Poor thing!

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