Friday, June 13, 2008

Wii Fit has arrived

My Wii Fit came by Fed Ex yesterday. It arrived in perfect shape, so here's another satisfied eBay customer. Unfortunately I had a migraine headache last night (in fact I've had one for every day for 2 weeks now) so I didn't get too much accomplished. I was able to set up profiles for everyone in the family, except for 4-week old John, of course.

The game grunted when I first stepped onto the pad. Nice. It also let me know that I was overweight. Tell me something I don't know, Nintendo. I am anxious to try it out some more and I will give my impressions when I do.

Of other note is that I sent off my defective Rock Band guitar to EA last week and the replacement guitar arrived yesterday. That is a seriously quick turnaround time. The tilt-control (used for powering up) was broken on my first guitar, and the whammy bar would not hold a note either. I briefly plugged in the new one to see if it worked right, and it did. Kudos to EA for taking care of this in such a timely manner.

I put in my pre-orders for NCAA 09 and Madden 09. I decided to get both for the PS3. It's such a solid console and runs so much quieter than the Xbox 360. I have joined an online league at GTSM. My only worry is that the Playstation Network's performance has so far been far below that of Xbox Live's, so playing online may be an exercise in frustration. But since 99% of my gaming is done offline, it's not enough to make me stick with the 360 version.

NCAA is always my most anticipated game of the year, so I am stoked for that. But from the previews I have seen, Madden looks to be the better game. I am almost always disappointed in Madden (I haven't even bought it the past 2 seasons), so we'll see if they can win me back this year. Definitely looking forward to checking it out.

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