Friday, August 28, 2009

Quick hit update

-Rams looked good tonight against Cincy in preseason game #3. They need to tighten up the run defense a bit and the punt coverage was awful. The defense created 4 turnovers so that was huge. Nice game considering 3 starters were missing from the offense and 2 from the defense.

-Batman: Arkham Asylum still kicks ass. Played a few hours tonight and had a blast.

-Microsoft got my 360 Elite back to me 8 days after I sent it off. Not a switcheroo but the same Xbox. That's pretty damned impressive. Had I known that I would have just waited, but now I have a 360 in my den as well as the one downstairs. Just need a hard drive and an HD-TV for the den. Absolutely no rush on that, though.

-Most importantly, our friends from Canada, Pete and Joyce, will be arriving Saturday evening to spend the week with us. They are just terrific people and we can't wait to see them. It's been almost 3 years so we have a lot of catching up to do. There will be a few drinks downed this coming week, I can assure you of that.

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