Saturday, May 17, 2008

Quick update on Momma and John

I decided to finally leave the hospital tonight and sleep at home, only because I have to work tomorrow, Barb is coming home in the morning, and I promised my 3 year old (Laurel) that I'd be home tonight. Leaving Barb and John there was heart wrenching for me. It finally hit home what all has transpired; how lucky I am that both are still here with me, and that John will be staying for a while longer. I know when Barb is discharged tomorrow that she is going to be absolutely hysterical. Leaving your baby in the hospital, going home without him, is almost unthinkable. You feel like you are leaving him all alone (which you are not, but still...) and that you are abandoning him. It's all illogical, but that's how it feels.

John had a nice, steady day. He is now eating 10cc of breast milk every 3 hours, which is great. He was moved to an iso-bed, which is a step up. The force of air they are giving him was reduced. He has had to go back to 30% oxygen, but the nurses assured us that is normal at this stage. They hope to slowly ween him back to room air shortly. Room air, by the way, is around 21% oxygen.

My sister got some great pictures of him, which I hope to have soon. I will post them when I do. In the meantime, please keep those thoughts and prayers coming John's way.

I love you, John. Sleep tight my brave little son.

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