Wednesday, May 7, 2008

She just doesn't get it

Hillary Clinton has vowed to fight on in trying to capture the Democratic nomination for president, even though Barack Obama has a lead that cannot be overcome without some sort of manipulation of the super delegates. Evidently Mrs. Clinton is more concerned about her own ambitions rather than the good of the Democratic party, and in turn, the good of the country.

Senator Clinton has to realize that if she somehow gets the nomination now that a large percentage of voters, particularly African-Americans, are going to feel that she stole it, that she somehow robbed Barack Obama of what is rightfully his. Obama supporters will be bitter about this and will not automatically vote for Clinton in the general election. They may just sit the election out, feeling once again that their votes didn't count. Without a doubt, many African Americans will feel disenfranchised and be disgusted with the whole process. They will not support Clinton and may end up largely abandoning the Democratic Party, which many have accused of taking the African-American vote for granted. By taking the nomination away from Obama, Clinton could set her party back for a long time. You have to hope that she realizes this soon and does the right thing by stepping aside.

There are many things I admire about Senator Clinton. I hope I can soon add selflessness to the list.

1 comment:

George Theofanopoulos said...

I agree Jim, she has kind of hurt her reputation. I think it is best she drops out and hopefully we can get a Obama/Clinton billing, they will be unstoppable working together.