Thursday, January 21, 2010


Is it just me, or do you have mixed feelings about downloadable content for your gaming system of choice? On the one hand, there are lots of great, affordable, standalone games available for download. I’m thinking of titles like WipeOut HD/Fury, Peggle, Calling All Cars, Zuma, Shatter, Bejeweled 2, etc. Not to mention how nice it is to have game patches automatically downloaded and playable demos literally at our fingertips. However, what irks me a little is the extra cost add-ons to disc based games.

Look, I get the whole downloadable songs for Rock Band thing and, goodness knows, I’ve invested in my share of them. It’s the add-on levels/characters/tracks/etc. that rankle me. Would it have been so hard for EA to include Evander Holyfield and Sonny Liston in Fight Night Round 4 rather than bleeding an extra $1.99 a pop for them? A set of three supplementary tracks for Motorstorm Pacific Rift will set you back $5.99, and there are two sets available. Additional maps/levels for action/adventure/FPS games seem to start at $9.99 and rise from there. I liked it a lot better when goodies like these were unlockable.

Is disc storage capacity strapped to the point where some of this stuff couldn’t have been included as part an already expensive game, or even on a second disc if need be? Much as I appreciate the additional content, and the ease of accessing it, I can’t help but feel that much of the DLC available is nothing more than a cash grab by the developers and system manufacturers. Of course I can simply refuse to pay the price, but it leaves me feeling like I need to pony up in order to own the complete game. And that leaves a sour taste indeed.

1 comment:

Jim Schmaltz said...

Definitely have mixed feelings on DLC, especially with recent trends for EA Sports games. On the other hand, with most non-sports games, the DLC truly feels more like content added on to a completed game rather than stuff that was held back. But it is a fine line for sure.