Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gaming update

I have been working nights so I have not been able to play any games for a while.  I remedied that by spending some quality time with Infamous tonight.  I am really enjoying this game, even more so than when I first started playing it.  I have a better handle on the controls of the game and how to attack enemies.  The missions are well thought out and have not proven too frustrating yet.  It's a very impressive game overall and it definitely would have gotten some love in my 2009 Gaming Awards had I played it earlier.

After being almost overwhelmed with games and not knowing which way to go, I now have a definite plan.  I am going to finish Infamous and then move on to Ratchet And Clank.  After finishing that, Mass Effect 2 should be ready for release.  Also Borderlands' 2nd DLC pack was released early and I downloaded that tonight.  That will be calling my name really soon.  Also downloaded tonight were 3 new songs for Rock Band 2.  They come from Paul McCartney's new live CD.  The songs are "Band On The Run," "Jet," and "Sing The Changes" which is off of his latest Fireman CD.  Looking forward to checking those out as well.

A couple of recent games have my attention, Bayonetta and Darksiders.  Bayonetta is getting universal acclaim, scoring a 9.5 at IGN and a 9.0 at GameSpotGameSpot's video review is excellent and well worth checking out.  By the way, it is definitely worth noting that every major review site is saying that the 360 version is far superior to the PS3 version, which has several technical issues such as frame rate, very long load times and washed-out colors.  Take that, Pete!

Darksiders isn't quite getting the same sort of raves but it is receiving good reviews and is being compared to a cross between God Of War and the Legend Of Zelda games.  For a rave review, check out this one at The Gamers' Temple.

Hope the new year is treating everyone well!  Happy gaming!


Dave said...

I played the demo for Bayonetta and just didn't care for it so I'll skip it for now. Darksiders sounds intriguing and I've never heard of it. It's a definite rental after reading that review.

Pete Anderson said...

"After being almost overwhelmed with games and not knowing which way to go, I now have a definite plan."


I should adopt a similar approach. I'd be almost embarassed to admit how many games I have in various stages of completion, or waiting in queue. The result of trying to catch up on three years of games all at once!

Jim Schmaltz said...

I used to be that way too Pete but a while back I started finishing games before I started others. It is really a much more satisfying approach. That's why I can spend so many hours on a Fallout 3 or a Bioshock; if I am only playing one game at a time then I am really immersed in that game, it keeps my attention 100% and it's more satisfying to me.

Certain games, such as Rock Band games and the like, are fine to play in doses. But games with stories, with beginnings and ends, are really much better served when played to completion once you begin them. If you can start doing this, I think you'll find your gaming to be much more rewarding. So pick a game (Bioshock! j/k) and finish it. You'll see.

Pete Anderson said...

Part of the problem is that the game I'm most immeresed in, and furthest into, at the moment is Fallout 3. And that's a long one, as you well know. I'm spelling it off with rounds of inFamous, and 'taste tests' (ie. a level or two) of other recent arrivals. But I totally get where you're coming from.

Anonymous said...

decisions, decisions.....