Saturday, January 23, 2010

Review: Borderlands DLC - Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot

Being a complete Borderlands addict, it was a given that I'd be all in for the DLC.  The first DLC available, The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned, was a fantastic add-on to the Borderlands world and well worth the price of admission.  The 2nd piece of DLC, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, is here and it is a different kettle of fish.

Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot is basically a series of challenges for your character to pass.  Actually, it is more geared towards co-op multiplayer, as it is virtually impossible to survive the ever increasing challenges by yourself.  The game play basically consists of being locked in a battle arena (there are 3 different arenas total) and being sent wave after wave of enemies.  After clearing one battle, the next begins with tougher foes.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  In each arena, you have to clear 5 battle phases, each of which contains 5 individual battles.  So that's 25 battles you must win in a row.  Die once, and you start over from the beginning.  And the longer you last, you are given more handicaps to hinder you.  For example, your enemies may be more accurate than normal or twice as fast.  So if being outnumbered 20 to 1 wasn't bad enough to begin with, you have even more hurdles in your path.  As you can see, it would be a major advantage to tackles this with other players rather than go this alone.  I have finished the first arena solo but I can't get far at all in either of the remaining two.

What makes Borderlands so addictive is the constant looting (grabbing new weapons and gear) and the leveling up to improve your character.  You'll find neither of those things here.  There are no weapon drops from slain enemies, just money.  And while you can get quite rich during the battles, that's no substitute for the thrill of new weapons.  There is also no lifting of the level cap in Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, so if your character is leveled out, that's where they will stay.  There's really no incentive to play this DLC other than the sheer challenge of it.

I can only recommend Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot to the hardest of the hardcore Borderlands players.  While I had a heck of a good time making it through the first arena, it took me many attempts (which may frustrate casual players) and there was no pay off.  As it looks to me now, the 2nd and 3rd arenas will only be able to be completed with others helping via co-op multiplayer. 

The good news is that there will be an announcement soon for new, more conventional Borderlands DLC.  And it has been noted that there will be a raising of the level cap.  That is something that I am definitely gearing up for.


Pete Anderson said...

Much as I'm digging Borderlands, this one doesn't sound like my cup o' tea. Island of Dr.Ned, OTOH, does.

P.S. I inadvertently sold my favorite pistol yesterday, and couldn't get it back!

Jim Schmaltz said...

You should be able to buy back anything you sell on accident as long as you try to re-buy within a pretty quick time frame.

And the Dr. Ned DLC is kick-ass!