Monday, January 18, 2010

Gaming update

A couple of thoughts on games I have been playing recently...

-I really liked Ratchet And Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction when it came out on the PS3 a couple of years ago; in fact, I still own it.  I just really got into the game and thoroughly enjoyed it, from the characters to the story and the superb animation.  So it is quite a surprise to me that I have already bailed on Ratchet And Clank Future: A Crack In Time.  I gave the game a solid 3-4 hours and I just couldn't get into it.  Something was missing for me but I can't lay a finger on it.  Maybe my tastes have changed a bit or something, I don't know.  The Clank parts of the game were surprisingly frustrating involving lots of platforming that included many leaps to my death.  After a while it became frustrating enough that I turned the game off, something I have not had to do in a long time.  Right then and there I decided to trade the game in for store credit while I could still get a decent value for it.  So I took it and Madden 10 to GameStop and traded them in for...

-Darksiders.  This game is a real sleeper.  Every review I have read has said it is a cross between the God Of War games and the Legend Of Zelda series.  And with good reason.  There is a lot of hacking and slashing and bloody mayhem ala GOW.  And there are some huge dungeons to traverse and puzzles to solved like in the Zelda series.  Originality is not this game's strong suit.  But that doesn't damper the fun factor in the least.  It's still a blast working your way through each area and deciding which ways to power up your character and/or weapons.  You'll need to choose wisely because this game is no walk in the park, even on the easiest setting.  But the game never seems unfair, which lessens the stress level for those times you do die. 
   A word of warning; this game takes a while to hit it's stride.  The tutorial part of the game is at least an hour and the first dungeon doesn't arrive until the 2-3 hour mark.  That's when the game takes off.  If you have the patience, Darksiders can be a ton o' fun.

1 comment:

Pete Anderson said...

Interesting comments about Ratchet & Clank. I've never played any others in the series, but had a quick go at Crack in Time over the weekend. I can definitely understand your frustration with the platforming, and you now have me wondering whether I'd be further ahead with one of the earlier games.