Monday, March 15, 2010

Finished God Of War II

After a marathon night of gaming, I finally finished GOW2, just in time for Tuesday's release of GOW3.  GOW2 was all it was hyped up to be, an epic action game with great production values and a terrific story entwined with Greek mythology.  I had a blast getting through this game.  I think at some point I will go back and replay the original GOW just because it was so epic as well.

I still have yet to play the latest Borderlands DLC and am anxious to do so.  Still, it may have to wait it's turn behind  GOW3.  And with Pete saying very good things about Heavy Rain, I am intrigued about that as well, especially since I could play that one with Barb.  There are some really good games coming out soon, so I will be anxious for the reviews to begin trickling in.


Pete Anderson said...

Oh great, yet another major release I won't have time to play!

Dave said...

This is my second playthrough of God of War II. I hope to be finished by the end of the week to pick up God of War III. I'll play it with baited breath as I'll be sad to see the series end. Here's hoping Kratos gets a sex change at the end of GOWIII so we'll see Goddess of War next.