Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bioshock 2 - final thoughts

I finished up Bioshock 2 the other night and I must say that my initial impressions held throughout the rest of the game.  In the end, Bioshock 2 simply had no chance to have the same sort of impact as the original.  The first Bioshock was video gaming as an art form, creating an atmosphere unlike any other game before it.  Once that sense of wonder and awe was uncovered, there was no way a 2nd act could have the same sort of impact.  Bioshock's game play was very solid and the sequel builds on that and even improves it in some ways.  The story is well told and makes you care about the outcome.  The graphics and voice acting are superb.  I have not a single complaint about the quality level of this game.  It's just that in the end, it is basically Bioshock redux without the sense of awe.  And that definitely matters.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate Bioshock 2 around an 8.8.  Definitely worth playing, just don't expect to have that same sort of original Bioshock experience all over again.


Pete Anderson said...

First of all...you, sir, are a machine!!!

Secondly, I'm not at all surprised to hear this. I was instantly sold on Bioshock when you demoed it for me, and it had everything to do with the environment, atmosphere and character design. It's impossible to imagine that it would have the same level of impact the second time around.

Dave said...

Does the story ever get any better? Any more compelling? I just find I'm completely bored with the story thus far due to the amazing story from the first game. Thanks Jim.

Jim Schmaltz said...

It got better for me, Dave. I came to care about the little sister that I was originally assigned to. And that is what the major story arc is about. Is the story as good as the first one? No, but I still found it compelling enough.

Jim Schmaltz said...

It pays to have a 4-day weekend and a very understanding wife. She deserves major kudos.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am a great wife...;) but I have a great husband so it is easy!!!

Dave said...

You were right. I finished it up and really began to care for the little sister after meeting her the first time.

Jim Schmaltz said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Dave. What is next on your plate? I am debating trying Dragon Age: Origins again or finishing GOW/GOW2. I may be a little burned out on straight action since I just played Darksiders and (to a lesser extent) Bioshock.

Dave said...

Next is Borderlands. You've raved about it, so I'm going to give it a shot.

Jim Schmaltz said...

Cool! Don't look for much of a story. It's just a balls-to-the-wall action FPS with tons of looting. Great fun.

Pete Anderson said...

Dave -

High praise for Borderlands from me as well, but not without a couple of reservations.

The gameplay can become repetitive at times. You'll clear an area only to have to fight the same battle every time you traverse it, even within the same mission. Same deal for looting - you can loot the same spots repeatedly.

Also, save points seem a little wacky to me. You're sometimes placed a little further back than you expect which causes you to have to replay part of a level. And if you die, enemies move much closer every time you respawn to the point where you're immediately under attack. No fair.

Those niggles aside, Borderlands is big fun. Enjoy!