Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Beatles: Rock Band party!

Had a couple of friends over last night as well as my son and his lady friend. We ended up breaking out The Beatles: Rock Band and played for hours. What a blast! Everyone took a turn, even my 5 year old daughter. She played on my extra set of drums (not actually hooked up) and then had a go at the guitar. She had no idea what to do, but with no-fail mode on it was no sweat. The real fun was when she sang. She knows the words to a few Beatles songs. But when she didn't know the words she would free style, throwing in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and such. It was too cute for words.

Barb was on drums and she did great, while my friend Pete was on guitar (I even let him use my Hofner bass!) and he's actually quite good. His wife and my son's girlfriend shared vocals. Zach was the extra guitar player. He is an old pro so he kicked the usual ass. My daughter Jessica joined in on guitar and she did great too. I never knew she could play Rock Band, let alone that she was good at it.

I hopped on drums eventually and even sang vocals while pounding the skins. It was a ton of fun. The Beatles: Rock Band is one heck of a party game if you can get your friends to leave their inhibitions at the door. Highly recommended!


Anonymous said...

Very fun! I love playing that! And so much fun when everyone joins in!

gtrshow said...

Oh man, would I ever love to see video of this!

Jim Schmaltz said...

I wish I had a video. Barb on drums is great and Laurel freestylin' has to be seen to be truly experienced. Priceless. Perhaps on your next visit (hint hint!) we can recreate this!