Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Superficial Game of the Year Awards

2009 represented something of a gaming renaissance for me, particularly the latter portion of the year. Spending a week with Jim S. will do that to a guy. So I thought it fitting to close out the year by assembling a list of the games that occupied most of my time.

If you're looking for insight and in-depth commentary, scroll on down to Jim's excellent GOTY pieces posted over the last month or so. You'll find none of that here. Nope, these are quick and dirty takes on the games that impressed me most, many based on limited gameplay, not all of which were released this year, but collectively consumed most of my gaming time. They're ranked in rough order of how much time I spent with each. Ground rules out of the way, herewith, The Superficial Game Of The Year Awards...

The Dominators

MLB 08 (PS3)

Yes, you read right. That’s MLB 08. Picking up right where it left off last year, this superlative game occupied all of my gaming time for the entire first half of the year. In terms of sheer number of hours played, nothing else came close.

NHL 10 (PS3)

So disappointed was I in this game that I had it posted for sale mere days after purchase. The player control is an outright abomination in terms of physics and realism. Still, we Canucks love us some puck, and after granting the game a second lease on life, I came to appreciate the fun factor lurking beneath its faux sim exterior.

Rock Band 2 (PS3)

As a guitar player, I had zero interest in the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises. I briefly attempted GH once with my 10 yr. old nephew (who ruled!), and failed miserably. Then, Jim insisted on dragging out RB2 while we were there. I opted for drums instead of guitar, and it wasn’t long before I was posting good scores and having a ton of fun. But it was my wife, Joyce, who liked it even more than me, suggesting that we get it for Christmas. Well, Christmas comes early in Canada, and it wasn’t long after we returned from St. Louis that The Huckleberries were born. The rest, as they say, is history. Easily the most expensive game (considering peripherals and downloads) I’ve ever owned, and the only game that the two of us play together. That alone makes it worth every penny.

Peggle (PS3 download)

I’ve been searching for an action puzzler for my wife, The Zuma Queen, to supplement, well, Zuma. Peggle is that game. I first fired it up one night after she had gone to bed. Three hours later, I had to force myself to quit. Yes, it’s that addictive. The situation was no different when she tried it out the next day. She was giggling like a schoolgirl. And that, my friends, is worth $9.99 any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

WipeOut HD/Fury (PS3 download)

An old favorite done up just right. A sprawling racer (especially with the Fury add-on), and 1080p eye candy of the very highest order. Only available as a (quite affordable) download from PSN. What are you waiting for?

Need for Speed Shift (PS3)

It’s been a while since a racing game has hooked me as quickly as Shift did. The perfect balance between sim and arcade, and even better with a wheel (a Logitech wireless force feedback in my case). A must for anyone with even a passing interest in video game racing.

Second Helpings

Fallout 3 (PS3)

A late charge nearly landed this in the upper echelon, but no matter. Jim's 2008 Game of the Year came highly recommended, and doesn't disappoint. Though I've barely scratched the surface of this massive game, the compelling mix of FPS and RPG, interesting story, and excellent combat system have already deprived me of much sleep. Fallout 3, along with inFamous and Bioshock, are like gateway drugs to the world of FPS and action games for me. I like!

inFamous (PS3)

Play through the opening segment of this game then come back and tell me you’re not hooked. I dare ya. The graphics may not be as polished as some of its contemporaries, but they perfectly complement the gritty post-apocalyptic cityscape that’s created here. The concept is fantastic, the single cell, graphic novel style cutscenes well realized and sharp as a knife, and the control while a bit touchy is more than manageable. If there’s to be an Infamous 2, you can sign me up here and now.

IL2 Sturmovik (PS3)

I am utterly useless when it comes to flight games. Always have been. They disorient me to the point where I don’t know whether I’m flying right side up or upside down. The only constant is the end result…a fiery death. So imagine my delight when I tried the demo of IL2. An air combat game where I could actually fly? Inconceivable! Great graphics and control, interesting and varied missions and aircraft, and huge fun factor combine to make me a very happy pilot.

Bioshock (PS3)

I’m obviously way late to this particular party. Another former Jim Schmaltz GOTY award winner, he was more eager to demo Bioshock for me than I was to see it. Just not going to be my cup o’ tea, I thought. Wrong. It was mere minutes before I knew that I had to own this game. I pleaded with Jim to stop the demo, preferring to preserve as much of the experience as possible for myself, but I think he was having too much fun to quit. The jaw-dropping art direction alone is worth the price of admission, but so much more awaits. I’m savoring every moment. Needless to say, the upcoming sequel will be a slam dunk, release day purchase.

Assassin’s Creed 2 (PS3)

Thanks to Jim for hipping me to another of his obsessions. I never would have thought of this one on my own. I agree that the game could do without the modern day element of the storyline, but the medieval world more than makes up for it. Great visuals, a gentle learning curve, and spot on control. It was love at first jump.

Left 4 Dead 2 (360)

What could be more fun than laying waste to hordes of zombies? Nothing, that’s what. Though I’m not into online multiplayer (which is clearly L4D2’s target audience), I couldn’t resist snatching this up when I spotted it at a heavily discounted price. The single player campaign may be short for the experienced, but I don’t fit that profile so I’m sure I’ll get my money’s worth. So far, so good. Kudos for the coolest video game TV ad in, like, maybe ever.

Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)

It was Jim’s son Zach, a video game deity, who demoed this one for me. Impressed as I was with the production values, I didn’t envision a purchase. That was until I played the demo. Not only do the visuals tickle the eyeballs, but the tight control makes it a pleasure to play. Beating baddies into submission has never been this much fun. A button masher’s delight.

Motor Storm Pacific Rift (PS3)

Another racer? You bet! I'm a sucker for them, all colours and stripes. I liked the original a lot, and had my eye on this one for a year waiting for the price to drop. When it finally did, I pounced. Load times are much improved (thankfully), the graphics are splendiforous, tracks are creative, challenging and plentiful, and the racing as exhilarating as ever. Still, there's a little something missing this time around, and I think it comes down to atmosphere. The rave aesthetic that suited the first game so well is replaced by lush, tropical landscapes here, and takes away some of the edge. Granted, it's a minor quibble in an otherwise fine racing package.

Fight Night Round 4 (PS3)

A longtime fan of the Knockout Kings/Fight Night franchise, I always have a spot in my game library reserved for a boxing title. Like Pacific Rift, I held out for a price reduction on this one, and Round 4 was worth the wait. This is a recent addition, and I'm only beginning Legacy mode, but for straight up rock 'em sock 'em fun, FNR4 is the best yet (despite some annoyingly slow load times on the setup screens). If boxing turns your crank, you owe it to yourself to at least check out the demo.

Batter Up!

On deck for '10...

Borderlands (PS3)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (PS3)
Uncharted 2 (PS3)
Halo 3 (360)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

Impressions to follow in the weeks to come. In the meantime...

A very Happy New Year to all!!!


Jim Schmaltz said...

Awesome work my man. It's a great read, too.

Pete Anderson said...

Thanks Jim. It was fun putting it together.