Monday, December 21, 2009

Survivor Finale

Our numbers seems to be dwindling, but Joyce and I remain loyal fans of Survivor. It's a guilty pleasure. Last night put the wraps on a pretty entertaining season. But how on earth did Natalie win over Russell? A particularly snotty jury awarded a cool $1M to an adorable, coat-tail rider over, arguably, one of the shrewdest Survivor players in the history of the game. Like Richard Hatch before him, love him or hate him, Russell deserves to be considered among the best of the best. His over-confidence and arrogance along with the fact that he's already a millionaire ultimately sunk him, but I've seen jury's forgive more in the face of a deserving player. But not this assembly of self-absorbed putzes who seemed to put more stock in who was nice to them rather than lower themselves to acknowledge someone who clearly outplayed, outwitted and outlasted them. Oh well, thanks for the memories, Russell. You made it a fun ride.


Anonymous said...

Pete- This is Barb- no reality TV is allowed on the blog....just kidding...sort of ;)

Jim Schmaltz said...

Hey now, here's a niche you can fill very nicely. Never watched Survivor or any other reality TV. It's all you, buddy!

Pete Anderson said...

There goes the neighborhood!