Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finished Assassin's Creed II

...or at least the main story. There is still a ton of stuff I can do such as side missions, finding hidden objects, etc. The game was very satisfying. The story was presented very well (though I wish the whole story was set in the past, rather than have the present day tie-in) and was compelling enough to keep me moving forward.

I'll be diving back in on occasion to tie up all the loose ends. Having free run of the various cities is nice and there is some DLC on the way. Until then, I can get in some more time with Borderlands, Beatles: Rock Band and a couple other games I am still trying to finish up.

1 comment:

Pete Anderson said...

Finished? I haven't even beaten Ezio's brother to the top of the church yet! It took me the better part of a half hour to even find him. I truly suck at action games, but I'm workin' on it.