Monday, September 28, 2009

Headaches suck

I have had a headache going for about 15 straight days now. I have always suffered from migraines (as have my parents) and have had spells like this before. Today I woke up with a nasty sinus headache. I am *really* getting tired of feeling like crap, and I am sure my family is tired of it as well. I am going to the doctor on Wednesday so we'll see what he has to say. Last year at about this time I had to get a CAT scan of my head (about the 5th time a doctor has had me do that) so we'll see if that is gonna be the game plan again. I am not worried that it is anything serious like that; like I said, this has been going on forever and it's a family thing. What I really need to do is see an ENT specialist and get my sinuses checked out. Most of my migraines start out as sinus headaches.

Anyway, here's to feeling better tomorrow! And thanks, Barb, for all you do to help make me feel better. You're the best!


Anonymous said...

In sickness and in health..I just wish you felt better- I hate to see you suffering with a continuous headache...I mean besides me ;)
Love you! The Wife

Dave said...

I have headaches all the time as well so my heart goes out to you. Mine are sinus as well.

Jim Schmaltz said...

Sucks, don't it Bro? BTW, GREAT job on the weight loss and smoking cessation. Keep it up!!!