Monday, September 7, 2009

Revisiting "Uncharted"

In the course of showing my buddy Pete some games he might be interested in, I played Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for about an hour or so. I was instantly hooked again. I am in the midst of playing a couple of high quality games, Batman: Arkham Asylum and IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey. Yet the first game I returned to when I got some free time was Uncharted. I am about 75% of the way through and I am having a blast. The exploring was always a highlight for me but this time the combat feels a lot nicer as well. My first time through I thought there was too much combat and that the enemies took too many shots to go down. Now I think it feels just right. Uncharted 2 is set to come out in October and now I am really stoked for that one. I'll have to find time to finish the first Uncharted again, then Batman, IL-2 and get in plenty of time with The Beatles: Rock Band and NHL '10 before then. Don't know how on earth that will happen, but you never know.


Dave said...

We need to get some IL-2 in when I get home.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me sleep in this am- much, much appreciated! Silly cold! On one hand you should have plenty of time for games with school gearing up for me again and you should be able to stay up late Tuesday because I am off on Wednesday. But on the other hand school is gearing up! I Love You! Barb