Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Great Ones, a wedding and some gaming

I am going to start an entertainment series called The Great Ones which will highlight things that I really feel are special and at a different level than the usual stuff. These may be books, movies, music, etc. I'll try to write a little bit about each selection and explain why I feel it is worthy of being called truly great. There will be no set schedule for these postings, they'll just come out whenever I get the itch to talk about something that I really love. I hope by writing about these some people may be inclined to check them out and perhaps discover something they normally wouldn't. And if anyone wants to discuss things here, all the better. Look for the first selection soon.

Not much going on lately other than getting ready for my sister's wedding, which is Sunday. We had the rehearsal dinner tonight and it was very nice; everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. But it looks like my 3 year old daughter Laurel will not be walking down the aisle. She didn't want any part of it at the rehearsal and I can't see that changing by Sunday, when there will be a bigger crowd of people. She's a bit shy, something I hope eventually fades a bit.

I'm very happy for my sister. She met a really nice guy and things worked out for them. Here's hoping they share a long lifetime of happy moments together. He's also got a great step-daughter, the same age as my daughter Jess, and they have become fast friends, which is nice. I am really looking forward to the wedding, letting loose a little bit and celebrating with my sister. And of course my wife Barb will be my designated driver. Thanks, honey!

Still enjoying my career as a closer in The Show. I just made it to the AAA level and have successfully closed out my first 2 games. I am starting to get the itch to do some hitting though, so I may go back to my shortstop career for a bit as well. I am also making slow progress in Bully. I am around the 10% completion mark, so I still have a long way to go. I'm still enjoying it, but I am finding it hard to find the time for both The Show and Bully, so it may be a while before I finish. But it has been fun watching my character evolve into a bit of a good guy. The story is good and it's pretty easy to pick up where you left off without feeling too lost. I'll keep my progress updated here and let you know what I think of the game as I get further along.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Good post man. I'm trudging thru God of War II before I start on DMC4.