Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mel Gibson, sadist

I finally got around to watching Apocalypto tonight. I have had it for ages and my lovely wife and I kept meaning to watch it, but have never gotten around to it. Now that I have seen it, I have to say that Mel Gibson is a talented filmmaker and also one sick S.O.B. Having seen Braveheart and having heard about The Passion Of The Christ in all it's gory detail, I know Mr. Gibson does not shy away from violence. And that's cool, I have no real problem with that. Some of my favorite movies are quite bloody and violent. So again, no problem. But Mr. Gibson seems to actually revel in showing blood, guts and gore to an extreme level. Not only that, he seems to really enjoy putting human suffering up on the big screen. The torture scene in Braveheart, the crucifixion in The Passion Of The Christ (which I admit to not seeing) and now endless human suffering in Apocalypto. It's not just the violence, it's the long scenes of people being beaten, forced into slavery, separated from their children and watching loved ones get slaughtered ad nauseam. The whole time I watched the movie I kept thinking, "Man, Mel has issues." It is all so beautifully filmed, with vivid colors (think crimson) and so lovingly shown on the screen. Nothing is left to the imagination. It's all a bit much, in my opinion, and unnecessary to tell the story. Yes, it's a violent story about a violent civilization, but come on, Mel, it doesn't all need to be up there on the screen.

That said, the film is an entertaining adventure. The action is terrific and the scenery gorgeous. Perhaps if it all wasn't simply soaked in blood and mired in human anguish I would feel compelled to watch it again soon. As it is, I think I'll wait awhile until the anguish is not what I remember most.


Anonymous said...

As much as I love my Irish and Scottish heritage, I never watched Braveheart. I just can't get past Gibson. I liked him in his younger days, admittedly. But once his religious views and antisemitic rages came to light, I was DONE.
Part of me wanted to see Apocolypto, but I may have to rethink that, too.

George Theofanopoulos said...

Quint, I found Apocalypto to be rather enjoyable while many didn't care for the film. Not too sure if I was going in open minded, but I enjoyed the story.

Jim Schmaltz said...

I think the story was fine, too, George, as well as the action. I just found it to be over the top in it's depiction of human suffering. To me Mel Gibson is to violence what Oliver Stone is to politics: unsubtle.