Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Life, etc.

In other news, my wife's pregnancy continues to be difficult. She has had back problems from day 1 and has been getting very little sleep the last couple of months. I worry that this is harmful to her health, not to mention the baby's. She is very limited on what she can take for either the pain or to help her sleep. As of today we still have 89 days to go. I hope she can manage to hang on until then without too much harm to her & baby's health (and our collective sanity).

Another difficult situation looms as well. We had our basement finished about a year and a half ago. Our 2 cats have started using the carpeted areas near the walls instead of their litter box. We love the cats to death, but if they don't stop we may have to get rid of them. We have tried all sorts of remedies to clean the carpet and get the cats to stop urinating there, but to no avail. My wife has consulted the vet as well as more than a few pet shop employees and we have tried their recommendations. So far we have had no luck. Some of them have told us that once they start, it is very difficult to get them to stop. We had the carpet steam cleaned and Scotch Guarded today and the cats are going to be locked in their litter area overnight. But if they start peeing on the carpet again, we are facing a tough decision on what to do with them. Huge bummer.


Anonymous said...

Difficult- but worth it ;) 88 days know! And as for our sanity- that was questionable before this...lol!

The cats are of more concern- we have never not had cats, the kids will NEVER forgive us, and it makes me sad to think of getting rid of them! From the girl that STILL cries over the 3 we lost 3 years ago! Keeping my fingers crossed the medicine, cleaning the carpet etc. works- no good answer for sure! I think that prozac for them might have to be tried- we know how stressful our lives are- maybe it is getting to them :)
I Love You! Barb

George Theofanopoulos said...

Jim, good luck on the remaining days of your wifes pregnancy. My wife had a rough pregnancy with all 3 of our kids, she would get really bad kidney stones. It caused complications for her and the kids. That is awesome that you are having another baby. Will be a lot of fun.

Jim Schmaltz said...

Thanks George. You're such a classy guy. I appreciate you stopping by here to read my blog on occasion.